jueves, 22 de marzo de 2018


the chopped.



1 kg.


1 kg.

chicken farmer:

1 pollo.

Creole Pope:

3 lbs.


3 lbs.

salty potato:

1 kg.

pork rib:

1 kg.

ají / guacamole:

to taste.

roasted banana:

2 unid.


to taste.


to taste


to taste.


5 gr.


10 gr.


250 cc.


Put the chicken in a pot with enough water, onion, salt, seasonings, garlic and paprika, let it cook until it is at its cooking point (45 minutes approx.) And then put the chicken on the grill for 15 minutes.

the potatoes are cooked (20 min) and then fried; Place the longaniza, the rellena, the beef and the pork rib on the grill until they are completely browned, we also roast the banana (with peel).
We leave all this on the grill for about 45 minutes and finally we serve everything in a tray, if you wish, accompany some beers.


miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2018

unusual jobs.


Food taster for dogs:
These are the people in charge of testing the food for the pets, they are responsible for describing its taste, smell or consistency. And while this job does not sound very appetizing, the payment may become so.

Odor tester:
Professional "oilers" can search from perfumes and deodorants, to wines and other aromatic substances. This type of workers is dedicated to smell armpits and other sources of smell and receive a salary that is not to repent. This may be the job you were looking for.

Rodeo clown:
If you have ever dreamed of becoming a bullfighter and do not fear falls and risky jobs, this could be the job for you. These clowns are responsible for encouraging the public, it is usually interesting when they do not fall or hit, but when it happens the opposite is usually very fun.